5 Ways to Treat an Ear Infection
By Amber Page
Maybe you've just gotten over a cold. Maybe you've been battling allergies nonstop and your ears have gotten clogged up. Maybe you're just run down. Whatever the reason, all of a sudden your ear sort of hurts, it feels stuffed up, and you can't hear properly.
You've got an ear infection.
Although many people think ear infections are "just for kids," plenty of adults are also susceptible.
In fact, there are three different types -- outer, middle, and inner ear infections -- but middle ear infections are by far the most common.
If you've got one, you'll feel pain or pressure in your ear, suffer hearing loss, and maybe even have fluid leaking from it.
With treatment, most ear infections clear up quickly with no ramifications. However, it is possible to have permanent hearing loss and other issues, so if you've never had one before, or you're not sure what's going on, it's best to see your doctor.
Otherwise, you can probably treat yourself at home.
Since your primary symptom is probably an earache, treat your symptoms with an over-the-counter pain reliever and other do it yourself options.
Use a Warm or Cold Compress
Using either a heating pad and ice pack or wet and cold washcloths, alternate hot and cold compresses for 10 minutes.
Clean Your Ear Canal With Hydrogen Peroxide
If your ear feels clogged, try putting a few drops of peroxide in your ear and letting it sit for a few minutes. Then drain your ear over a sink. Finish by rinsing your ear with distilled water.
Soothe Your Pain With Olive Oil
Although there's no scientific evidence that this works, it's a tried and true folk remedy to help soothe irritation in the ear canal. If you'd like to try it, just put a few drops of warm olive oil in your ear.
Try Ginger or Garlic Oil
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, while garlic is known to combat infection. Garlic oil is safe to put in your ear canal. However, ginger should only be used on the outer parts of your ear.
These are some of the methods you can try at home and should leave you feeling better soon. However, if the pain doesn't subside, make an appointment with your doctor.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic on Camelback Road in St. George, Utah.