3 Things That Might Need a Detox in Your Life
By Genevieve Cunningham
In certain circles, there's a lot of talk about detoxification. Detoxes are touted and sold as miracle weight loss programs, toxin cleansers, and a general health and wellness superpower. Of course, most people realize that a detox isn't actually a miracle. It's something that can give your body a rest, and it may lead to some positive side effects. But perhaps the biggest side effects come when you specifically target certain aspects of your life to detox from. Things that are truly detrimental -- and you may not even realize it! If you're ready to improve your health, take a look at these three things that need a good detox in order to make your life better than ever.
We are consumed with technology. Our entertainment is generally technology. Our work involves massive amounts of technology. And we even walk around with endless technology in our pockets. While all of this technology certainly brings advantages, it also brings disadvantages and risks to our health. It might be a good idea to a digital detox on a regular basis -- perhaps once per week, once every two weeks, or once per month. This gives you the chance to unwind from the constant stimulation and participate in the real world for at least a little bit on a regular basis.
Sugar is in just about everything, so it can be really hard to detox from it. But it's a really good idea to give your body a break from sugar now and again. Excessive sugar can lead to headaches, addiction, weight gain, and a wide variety of other negative side effects. Try cutting back for a week every once in a while. Over time, you may actually find that the less sugar you consume, the better you feel, and the less you eat once the detox is over.
We live in a busy world, there's certainly no doubt of that. On the one hand, it's good to be involved in life and activities. But when we cross the line from involved to constantly busy, we're putting our health at risk. When you can, take a break from the busyness. If this means skipping a season of Little League sports, do it. If it means taking a few days off from work, do it. Allow yourself to completely detox from constant busyness to save your physical and mental health.
You don't have to buy into the newest fad detox diet. You don't have to spend hundreds on juices and pills. But detoxing is sometimes a good idea. Use these as starting points in your life, and improve your health little by little from here on out.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Alexandria, Va.