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Pack Your Lunch with One More Fruit

By Tom Herrin

Whether people eat out or take their lunch with them, it can usually stand a little adjusting.  The diets people choose should serve a purpose.  Not only does it power their day, it also needs to help to achieve a balance for their overall health.  It may mean making some major changes, but it may also be accomplished by doing a little fine tuning.  Simply adding or taking away may be all some people need.  It is just math.  For those who don't like the idea of taking away, adding a few pears to your diet may have enough of an impact that they can make a real difference.  They are a simple food that anyone can eat.  One of the early kinds of baby foods is pears.  They can do some good things for young and old alike.

They May Be Good for the Immune System

Most people are aware of the benefits of antioxidants today.  There has been a lot of information about them.  Many are able to fight off simple illnesses as well as some cancers.  Eliminating free radicals from the system may preserve some cells and keep them from turning into something devastating.  Pears have a fair supply of antioxidants.  They contain Vitamins A and C and provide beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.  All can play a role in boosting immunity.

They May Support Better Circulation

Pears have some valuable nutrients.  Among them are iron and copper.  These both play a critical role in helping circulation.  Iron is essential for the blood to carry oxygen.  It enables the blood to attach itself to oxygen to carry it throughout the body.  Copper plays a critical role of helping the body to take in and use other minerals.  The two combined are essential for people to enjoy the health they desire.

They Are Popular with Kids and Adults

No matter how young or old you are, chances are you like the taste and feel of pears.  They are so soft that virtually no chewing is needed.  You can often dent raw pears with your fingers.  They are sweet and simple.  They are good raw, sliced in a bowl, cooked into some kind of dessert, or preserved.  We enjoy them.  Why not try making them a part of your diet?  Try one a day for a while and see the results.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Stafford, Va.

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