Children Need to Be Active so Get Yours Moving!
By Donna Stark
Anyone who has children or has watched kids on a playground knows that most are naturally full of physical activity. In fact, it's usually hard for us adults to keep up with them! They love to move, and whether it's with running, jumping, climbing, or swinging, their energy never seems to run out, does it? But that's good, because we all know that it's in their best interest to stay as physically active as they can. And by encouraging this type of behavior, you can help set them up for a lifetime of good health.
Why Children Need to Be Active
As we get older, it can become more and more challenging to stay active. Our days are often taken up with school, work, family, and obligations. We may not have time to focus on our health and, as we all know, once life gets a hold of us, it's hard to escape our bad habits. This is why it is important to teach your children healthy behaviors when they are young. By doing so, they will have a solid foundation of good health and fitness already established before they enter their adult years.
Benefits of Being Active
Teaching your children the benefits of exercise at an early age will help them establish lifelong habits needed to stay healthy and fit as they age. Take a look at a few of the benefits that can come with being active.
- Builds strong muscles and bones
- Helps maintain a healthy weight
- Decreases the risk of developing serious medical conditions
- Supports quality sleep
- Increases energy, productivity, and creativity
- Improves a person's level of confidence and outlook on life
Getting Your Children Interested
It's a no-brainer that there is a lot to gain from regular physical activity, but how do you encourage your children to get started and stay motivated in the first place? Here are some suggestions.
- Choose age-appropriate activities
- Give your children plenty of opportunities to be active through play and sports
- Keep the focus on fun and less on their skill
- Allow your children to choose the activities they are interested in
- Provide transportation and the required equipment for each activity
Establishing Lifelong Habits
When kids become involved in a fun activity, they will want to keep doing it, and eventually, their skills will improve and their level of confidence will increase. However, if they are pushed into activities they don't like, they may end up feeling defeated and completely frustrated. They may even refuse to participate anymore. It's easy to see which path will encourage lifelong habits, isn't it? So start them young, and be assured that great health is in their future!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avondale, Ariz.