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I May Never Run Out of Things to Worry About

By Sandy Schroeder

Are you an infinite worrier? Sometimes I think I could be. When we start churning out worries nonstop, we may have something else to worry about.  It's called anxiety and therapists may go so far as to ask if there is a generalized anxiety disorder.

Before we get that far, Harvard Health helps to explain what is involved when we experience "constant worry and nervousness." They say a doctor's help is needed to know for sure. 

If you are wondering where you stand, start with your doctor and see if you need a therapist's help too.

All of us worry about our jobs, health, finances, the world's state, and the possibility of storms, floods and other natural disasters. But when worry simply takes over and you find yourself upset about just about everything, or nothing, it's time to look closer.

People who are having trouble with worry can't avoid the notion that something bad is about to happen. So they may become compulsive about writing every appointment, date and transaction down. Their lists are often capable of hatching more lists! There could be an accident, missed date, slipped deadline. Who knows!

Consider where you are and start with some steps to reduce your agitation

Ways to Fight Back

Most of us who worry a lot tend to find ways to cope by jogging, park outings, or meetings with friends to just sit and talk and sort through the concerns. We can also change a few things and deliberately create calm interludes.

Things to Change

  • Lighten up on the caffeine or black tea
  • Walk outdoors, run to the park or hop on the treadmill
  • Review medications or substances that could trigger anxiety
  • Review your work schedule and subtract an hour here or there or take an afternoon off

Shift Into a Calm Mode

  • Lighten up with a little laughter in a favorite series or old movie
  • Find a quiet spot and sit and breathe deeply to the count of five
  • Try meditating for five minutes in the morning and five more at night
  • Ease muscle tension and calm the mind and body with yoga or tai chi classes
  • Head for a warm pool or warm bath
  • Pick a favorite reading spot with an engrossing author
  • Play with your cat, dog, or bird and enjoy the moment
  • Head to the kitchen and whip up your favorite healthy pasta, dip or baked treat

As always, stay connected with family, friends and loved ones, and see your doctor and a therapist to sort through any issues that are not going away.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Goodyear, Ariz.

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