Your Chiropractor's Guide to Lower Blood Pressure
By Brandi Goodman
High Blood Pressure Education Month in May provides the opportunity for us to learn more about just how we can combat this problem. High blood pressure can lead to a slew of health problems and issues with the heart that can be life threatening. Follow some chiropractic tips to lower your blood pressure and experience improved health overall.
Get More Exercise
Make your heart stronger by getting more exercise. Just 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week can help to lower your blood pressure and keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol causes stress, which is one of the things that can make your pressure rise. Going for a run, swimming, aerobics, and sports are all excellent options. If you want to take leisurely walks, 150 minutes per week is the recommendation.
Manage Your Stress
Stress levels have a significant effect on your blood pressure. Though exercise is one way to lower it, you need to find additional ways to manage your stress as well. If you're at work or busy at home and find yourself stressed, exercise isn't always an option in that moment. Taking a quick break, listening to music, writing your thoughts in a journal and deep breathing are all quick ways to cut down your stress level.
Change Your Diet
Chiropractors sometimes recommend dietary changes as part of your self-care options to follow at home. Processed foods and foods high in sodium can have a negative effect on blood pressure. Choosing whole grains, berries, vegetables, and nuts can help to lower blood pressure and keep the body healthy in other ways as well.
Lose Weight
Though a change in diet and added exercise should help with this already, any doctor will tell you that weight loss can have a major impact on how your body feels and functions. Losing weight will help to lower your blood pressure because excess weight puts serious strain on your heart. Losing even 10 pounds can be a huge help.
Schedule Regular Chiropractic Care
Regular trips to the chiropractor can play a major role in keeping blood pressure in check. It can help to relax your mind and body, lowering blood pressure significantly. Stress is often a significant factor in people developing high blood pressure. Finding ways to reduce stress, including chiropractic, can help. Ensuring there are no joint restrictions and all bodily systems can function correctly is also helpful.
Visit The Joint Chiropractic at one of the many locations they offer. An adjustment combined with additional health tips from a doctor of chiropractic can reduce blood pressure and promote overall well-being.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Phoenix, Ariz.