Preventing the Flu: Educate and Vaccinate
By Stephen R. Farris
Coming down with a case of influenza or the flu can cause serious problems with our respiratory system which, if left untreated, could lead to death. That's why it's important to get your yearly flu vaccination, especially if you are elderly or have children at home. Not only for them, but for yourself as well.
Usually, flu season begins in the fall and can last through early spring, but it's also a condition that can strike anytime during the year. There are preventive measures you can take, with vaccination one of them, but also doing a few simple tasks around the home, at work or school, or while out in public.
One of the best ways is to keep your home sanitized. Using antibacterial soaps, wipes and sprays is a good start. Keeping surfaces such as door knobs, cooking and prepping surfaces, kitchen and bathroom counters wiped down on a routine basis can help stop the spread of harmful germs. It probably wouldn't hurt to carry wipes with you when out shopping in public or attending your kids school functions too. Most stores these days have wipe dispensers or antibacterial hand sanitizer available when using shopping carts or at the checkout counter.
Of course, it may not completely prevent you from getting sick with the flu or other illnesses, but it can help lessen those possibilities. Check out these three reasons to get your yearly flu vaccination.
Risk Reduction
The flu vaccine is made to aid in the protection and reduction of several different flu strains. Better to be safe than sorry as with each year there are some strains that are stronger than those in the past.
Limiting Severity and Length of Flu Sickness
Sure, there's still a chance you might end up with a case of the flu, but if you have received your vaccination it helps to lessen the severity of the disease and can reduce the length of sickness.
Limiting the Spread of Flu
If everyone that can receive the flu vaccine is vaccinated, it can lessen the spread to the overall public. Children under six months old and elderly people at high risk can oftentimes be spared of coming down with the flu if more of the general public has been vaccinated.
Most of all, if you have flu-like symptoms, check with your local physician and stay at home if at all possible until you start to feel better. You may also talk with your local chiropractor to get advice and suggestions in helping with your overall health and wellness.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Monrovia, Calif.