Live Near Water? Drinking More May Build Health
By Tom Herrin
It can be great to live in an area in which there is a great view of the water. Who doesn't like to do that on occasion? The scenery, however, cannot take the place of drinking water. It has an important place in the health of every living thing. Those who try to skimp on it are only shorting themselves. Water is a critical part of being healthy, and it is vitally important that people drink as much as possible as often as possible. It plays a part in many more things than many realize.
Water Is Critical For Energy and Brain Function
Most people don't actually relate to the connection between the brain and water. Some studies have shown that when people have lost as little as around two percent of their water, they may have problems with mood, concentration, and headaches. Other studies have shown how this small amount of water loss can increase fatigue and anxiety. Even though most know signs of dehydration, many fail to recognize them when they see them in a milder form. As a result, they may be ignored. Drinking more water may be an easy way to head this off.
It May Help Avoid Urinary Tract Issues
Many people have problems with their kidneys and bladder. It seems to be increasingly common. When they experience something such as kidney stones, it can be extremely painful. Drinking plenty of water may help to flush these materials that tend to cause stones from the body before they can form. For those who have small stones, drinking large amounts of water my help to move these stones out. The bottom line is that anyone who has a tendency to have these kinds of problems will do well to drink more water.
Water May Help in Cutting Calories
When any of us wants to lose weight, the best way to start is to find a way to cut calories. Drinking more water may make that simple. Many times, when we feel hungry, we are just thirsty. Drinking more water can help to satisfy that feeling. It has also been shown that if we drink a good bit of water before we eat a meal, we will likely eat less. It is a good way to start any kind of diet. I always try to start any weight loss effort by increasing my water intake.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Oceanside, Calif.