When Was The Last Time You Slept Well?
By Tom Herrin
It shouldn’t be a common question to ask if someone has slept well. The truth is that poor sleep is an increasingly large problem for a lot of people. There are so many variables that can get in the way that some people come to accept sleep problems as a fact. It doesn’t have to be that way. Identifying the problem, or problems, can help people to start a path to improved sleep. Many times, this can carry over to improved health as well besides some of the general benefits.
What People Put In Drinks Can Be A Problem
There are countless products on the market that are full of caffeine. It has long been known to serve as a stimulant and keep people awake. Besides their morning drinks such as coffee and tea, many continue to consume caffeine all day long in soft drinks, some foods, and energy drinks. It is difficult to purge the system of all of this when it is time to wind down and go to bed. In addition to all of this, some people eat too much or too late which disrupts their sleep. Some foods can help relax people and some may do the opposite.
A Few Other Things Cause Problems
Shift work can be a problem for a lot of people. Changing sleep times can be extremely difficult to manage. Getting into an exercise program is great for health, but exercising too close to bedtime can prevent some people from being able to relax. Electronic devices can consume time as many people lose track of time as they use them. Another problem can be taking naps. Often people will sleep just enough to prevent them from going to sleep at night.
Do Some Trial And Error
If you would seriously like to improve your sleep, try to change one thing at a time. Establishing a more set schedule can be a good start. Lights and sound can be problems for some. I like to have soft music or earth sounds when I am trying to sleep. They help me relax and drown out other noises. It can also help to examine your bedding, room arrangement, and room temperature. Chances are you will run onto something that helps you sleep better. When you do that, you may also improve weight management and reduce stress and depression.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Kennesaw, Ga.