Let the Outdoors Support Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Looking for ways to improve health may seem like a regular routine for many, but there is nothing wrong with staying current. Most people know something about the benefits of diet and exercise, even if they don't always follow it. There are plenty of other ways to boost health, but many are not nearly as familiar. One easy way to do so is to probably something that a lot of people did as kids. Most of them likely did a little camping in the backyard, or some other place, for fun. As adults, they may be able to have fun and improve health at the same time. Camping can be inexpensive as well, making it a great family activity.
It May Help Reduce Stress
There are a lot of things people share with each other, but stress is one that most would rather avoid. It is far too common. With issues such as finances, jobs, family, and lots of other things, stress is a part of most lives. Children are not exempt from it either as they must deal with school and other activities in which most of them want to succeed but may struggle. Camping may be a good way to relieve some of that stress. A University of Minnesota study found that even when people viewed nature they had lower levels of stress. Spending time in an activity such as camping may make all the difference.
It May Help Increase the Supply of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is what may be considered a pretty strange vitamin. One of the best places to get it is from the sun. When people spend time camping, they will naturally get more exposure to the sun, so they will have a greater opportunity to get more of this vitamin. It is believed to help prevent some cancers, high blood pressure, and heart disease among other things. Mixing a little fun with health can pay off big here.
It May Help Build Relationships
Most of us could use a few more opportunities to improve our relationships. It may be with family, friends, or others we deal with. Camping can be a great way to spend a little more quality time building those relationships. Anytime this happens, we tend to be more upbeat and have a brighter outlook on life. We are more motivated. We are also more open to trying new things. It is amazing the possibilities that may be available if we will make the time time to get out there and enjoy ourselves.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Kennesaw, Ga.