Train Your Brain With Exercise
By Tom Herrin
It is no new revelation that many people experience mental deterioration as they age. Some seem to age much faster than others in this respect. Keeping this in mind may help people to focus on doing things that can help to protect and maintain the brain better. Simple things such as mental activity can be good. Working puzzles and other things that keep them thinking can give the brain a type of mental exercise. Apparently this is not the only kind of exercise that helps the brain. Physical activity may also do some pretty surprising things that have to do with the brain.
Exercise May Help Improve Connections
When people perform any kind of activity, the brain has to send and receive signals for the various parts of the body to respond accordingly. It is actually possible to affect the way these connections occur by physical activity. Some exercise can help to grow new neurons. It may also help to program the way they work and deal with information. For this reason, exercise may be a great way of improving brain function. Many have experienced some of this when they have learned a new skill.
Exercise May Sharpen Memory
It may be a little difficult to believe that running a few miles per day can have a positive effect on memory except to recognize the path along those miles. It seems that exercise may be beneficial to the hippocampus, which has a part in memory. When they exercise, people may be able to improve the size and function of parts of the hippocampus. As a result, memory may improve. In this way, the brain may be much like a machine that must be maintained properly so that it does not break down. When people exercise, they may be sort of servicing the brain.
Exercise May Help to Improve Programming
When we exercise, we may very well be doing some sort of programming in the brain. Exercise apparently helps to support the production of new neurons. These are the basis for communication within the brain itself and to the various parts of the body. I try my best to stay on top of ways to improve brain function for myself. There are too many people around who seem to have suffered some loss. If we can prevent that with some regular exercise, it would be a good investment.
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