Do You Need to Change Your Fitness Routine?
By Sara Butler
A regular exercise program can be tough to start, but once you get into it and start to see results to your health and wellness, then you're a tried and true fitness fan. One thing you have to be on the lookout for as you work your workout routine is catching the signs that it's time to change it up. Here are a few tip-offs that your fitness routine needs a change.
You're Bored
Maybe you loved walking on your treadmill or using the rowing machine at the gym, but now you simply dread it. It's really easy to get bored with a workout routine if you stay with it too long and not make any changes. It'll help if you can add variety to what you do for fitness. For example, if you like to walk, then try taking your workout off the treadmill and going outside. Through in some intervals or bring a friend along to help keep it interesting. If there's a sport you've always wanted to try, such as kayaking, then go for it. If you can keep it new and fresh then you'll actually look forward to your workout each day instead of dreading it -- and you'll see more results, too.
You're Not Getting Results
Your mind can get stuck in a rut when you don't change up your workout and so can your body. After a while, going through the same motions at each workout will only end up in a plateau where you don't make any progress toward your health and fitness goals. What's happening is that your body is adapting to the exercises you're doing and simply not being challenged.
Luckily, fixing this workout issue is easy. All you need to do is add a little variety to your workout. So, try a completely different activity a few days per week or kick up the intensity of your current workout regimen and you should start to see results again.
You're Sore and Tired
A good workout will probably leave you feeling a little sore and tired, but if you're feeling rundown and not energized after your workout, then it's time to take a closer look.
Overtraining can become a serious problem and it's caused by not allowing your body time to properly rest and rejuvenate. If you suspect you may be overtraining, then take a step back. Rest and take a few days off to let your body recharge, then start back to your exercise routine slowly. Look at your workout program and make changes that can help you from letting this happen again.
If you have questions about your workout routine, then talk to the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Shiloh, Ill.