Include Fish for a Light and Healthy Meal
By Tom Herrin
Many people look for ways to improve their diets. Cutting calories can be a great way to start. Another way can be to look closely at the nutritional contents of each meal. Having a good balance can be a key to moving in the right direction. It is so common for many to only make small changes in what they serve that they often overlook those things that may make a real difference. One of those healthy components for many is fish. It is one of those foods that people either enjoy or want nothing to do with. No matter how they look at it, fish has lots to offer in the way of impacting overall health.
It May Be Part of Nutrition 101
When people hear about things that can be included to make a healthier diet, fish is often on that list. It does not normally contain the kinds of fats that are considered to be dangerous. The fats that are there are often omega-3 fatty acids. Many people seem to think of it as an almost wonder nutrient. Many health professionals suggest taking in more of it in order to avoid all kind of problems. Every time I get an annual eye exam, my doctor reminds me to take in omega-3's in some form or other. Fish is also a really high-protein food.
It May Be Good for Pregnant Women
The nutrients in fish are thought to be especially good for women who are expecting a baby. They are believed to support development of the brain and eyes. For this reason, it is a good thing to include in the diet for those women. There is another side of this that warrants caution, however. Some fish can contain mercury, which can cause problems with children. For this reason, fish consumption should be limited to not more than 12 ounces per week, and the fish eaten should be those that have a short lifespan and do not consume other fish. Sardines is generally considered to be fine, as is salmon or trout.
It May Improve Sleep
Many of us have issues related to sleep. Some of this is due to lifestyle. One of the other problems is thought to be lack of Vitamin D. It is a common deficiency among people. Fish is one of the best sources of this vitamin. If you are in search of something that may improve health in a total package, try adding a little fish to your diet. It is not likely to make you gain any weight and it may provide many of the things you need to power your body.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.