Chiropractic and Network Spinal Analysis
Network Spinal Analysis is a lesser known method of chiropractic care that focuses on connecting with the nervous system in order to free he tension around the spine that is causing misalignment. Network Spinal Analysis, or Network Chiropractic, differs from traditional chiropractic treatments because it focuses on the tension that is being caused by a malfunctioning nervous system. The tension is typically in the root of the problem, so Network Spinal Analysis is effective at working on a cure, not just masking pain.
The body’s nervous system is what sends signals from your brain to all the different parts of the body. It is what sends pain signals from the spine back to the brain, which has a major effect on how we experience pain levels. Those who practice the Network Chiropractic technique believe that nerve interference is what causes many of the health problems we experience today.
What people don’t seem to realize is that the nervous system turns mental and physical stress into tension, which is usually stored in the spine. This tension eventually causes subluxations, or misalignments in the spine. The more stress in your life, the more subluxations will occur in the spinal area. If the tension is not dealt with at a deeper level the cycle of pain only continues.
Network Spinal Analysis takes chiropractic care one step further. Instead of dealing with the subluxations on a physical level, they treat them on a mental level as well. Network chiropractic allows the nervous system to better communicate with the body, expelling any negative interference causing the pain.
The NSA process basically uses light touches on the soothing parts of the body, allowing your brain to make a connection with that spot. After a while, the brain begins to connect with those peaceful areas, overcoming the tension. This eventually becomes an automatic response when the body and/or brain experiences stress.
It is necessary to frequently see your NSA practitioner regularly to allow the nervous system to automatically deal with stress in this new way, but overtime the quality of life for the patient should drastically improve.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Shaheen Lakhan