Foods to Support a Healthy Immune System
By Sara Butler
With cold and flu season in full swing, you may be paying more attention to washing your hands regularly or being careful not to touch your face. That's great but habits such as those aren't the only way to help yourself stay healthy. In fact, the foods you eat can be a big help to keep your immune system fighting at its very best. Here are some foods you should consider this winter to help you get through the season at your healthiest.
Chicken Noodle Soup
Many people remember cozying up to a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup when they were sick as kids but it's not simply something to savor when you're ill. Chicken noodle soup has anti-inflammatory effects and can work to reduce inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. The soup can also help with nasal congestion. On top of that, the nutrients in chicken noodle soup also work to support a healthy immune system, so you simply can't go wrong.
Yes, oranges -- the old stand by of staving off colds and the flu. These amazing citrus fruits aren't all talk because they actually do have a lot of Vitamin C, a nutrient your body needs to mount a good immune response. Studies have found Vitamin C to be useful in helping prevent colds in people exposed to viruses.
Food doesn't need to be fancy to be good for you. Water is essential to help you stay hydrated and can help to thin mucus when you are sick. Remember, staying properly hydrated helps your body to work optimally and fight off colds and the flu with gusto. So drink up!
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, but better than that it's packed with probiotics to keep your gut healthy. What does that have to do with your immune system? Quite a lot! Your immune response starts in your gut. If your gut is healthy, then chances are the rest of you can be healthier too, so feed your gut microbiome with good for you Greek yogurt.
Blueberries are full of antioxidants that can help to keep your immune system working on all cylinders. Studies have found that eating blueberries can make you up to one-third less likely to get a cold. If you do get sick, then the antioxidants in blueberries can help your cough, too.
Take care of your immune system by eating properly and it'll take care of you!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rowlett, Tex.