Stop the Ringing! Tinnitus and Chiropractic Care
Your mother may have told you when you were younger that if your ears were ringing, it was because someone was talking about you. While that may be a silly old wives' tale, ringing of the ears, known as tinnitus, can be a bothersome condition. Next time you are plagued with ringing in your ears, ring for a chiropractor first.
Address the Condition, Not the Symptom
Tinnitus is a symptom of injury to the upper cervical spine. The most important thing to remember about tinnitus is that it is a symptom, not a condition. This means that the problem is not your ears, but another part of your body. Many times, the tinnitus can stem from a subluxation in the back or spine. This simply means that there is a misalignment in the back.
Treating Tinnitus With Chiropractic
One study showed that a properly balanced head on the neck can stop or reduce the ringing in your ears. For many individuals, it takes several regular adjustments to find relief. Many also reported the ringing of their ears being manageable, even though still there, after just one adjustment.
Take Your Vitamins
Another study found that those who suffered from tinnitus had one thing in common; the individuals were severely deficient in vitamin B-12. While supplementing with vitamin B-12 may not cure your tinnitus, it is definitely worth a try. Some good natural sources of B-12 are clams, beef, turkey, chicken, and salmon. For those who are vegetarian, some cereals are high in B-12, and there are vegetarian supplements of B-12 as well.
When it comes to the ringing in your ears, it is time to make a change. You should be able to sit in a quiet room and enjoy quiet time once again. Try a wellness adjustment and up your vitamin B-12 intake to see if that remedies the problem.
Always consult your chiropractor or primary care physician prior to implementing any dietary or health changes.
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