Ways to Get Up and Get Going Right Now
By Sandy Schroeder
As we head toward spring, I find myself wanting solutions that work quickly. If you can relate, Prevention.com came up with some tips to help us sit less and move more right now. See what you think.
Stay hydrated - Put a canister of water by your computer. You will get the six to eight glasses your body needs and you will be up moving for more bathroom breaks.
Keep your evening moving - Instead of collapsing on the couch at night, bring in your yoga mat, stationary bike or treadmill, along with resistance bands and small weights. This worked for me while I watched an NBA game from my yoga mat. Some nights I will still wind up on the couch, but each night on the mat helps.
Move while you talk - We all spend a lot of time on the phone. Why not stay mobile? Walk outside or stroll around your office as you talk.
Eat outside - If the weather permits, walk to the nearest outside space for fresh air, sunlight, and more steps. Or add a fitness class with short stretching or strength building sessions.
Time your reminders - When you dig into a project or watch a program, it is easy to sit too long. Set a timer on your phone or computer to move every hour at work and at home. Go for a short walk or do stretches to keep your body moving.
Walk your dog - Dog owners often lead healthier lives because they do a lot of daily walks. If you don't have a dog, volunteer to walk your neighbor's dog, or ones at the local shelter.
Try a standing desk - Some experts suggest using a standing desk for two to four hours a day. See how it works for you, and consider alternating between sitting and standing with an adjustable work station.
Promote standing/walking meetings - Put a counter in your office to encourage standing discussions, and suggest walking meetings to replace seated sessions.
Bike more often - If possible, bike to work instead of driving, or bike everywhere on the weekends. Biking is not weight-bearing so you can bike even if you have some pain walking. You could use a stationary bike at home too.
Activate waits - While you wait for the microwave or the Xerox, do some calf raises or squats. At home, use one-legged stands while you work in the kitchen.
Stay active with friends - Change those lunch or dinner dates into biking, hiking or other sports outings. This may be a great time to become workout buddies with morning or evening walks.
Try the tips that sound good or come up with others that fit your schedule and your day. Just make sure you are moving and enjoy the results.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mesa, Ariz.