4 Simple Ways to Slim Your Waistline
By Genevieve Cunningham
Everyone wants to have a little waist. Men want a waist that is strong and sculpted. Women want a tiny waist that emphasizes a nice figure. Either way, a slim waist is part of the picture of good health. It’s also a picture that is rarely seen. More and more people are beginning to suffer from a little extra around the middle. If you are tired of the spare tire, and would like to slim your middle, check out these four tips that promise to sculpt the waistline and put you in a smaller pair of jeans.
Almost everyone has perfect abs. That might sound like a lie, but it’s the absolute truth. The problem is not the muscles themselves, but rather the layer of fat that lies on top. In order to slim the waistline, you have to lower your overall body fat percentage. Since spot reduction doesn’t generally work, go for all over cardio in order to complete this task. Exercises such as running, walking, aerobics, or similar activities can help burn calories and fat, and get you closer to a smaller waist.
While burning off the fat is certainly a big part of a nice waist, you should also spend time working those muscles a little extra. All muscles in the body need to be worked in order to earn that definition. Planks are an excellent way to do this. Unlike crunches or traditional sit-ups, the plank works all of the muscles in the abdomen, and it also includes back muscles, arm muscles, and upper legs. Add this every day or every other day, and you’ll be sculpting out a nice, toned, defined waist.
Cut Sugar
No one really wants to do this step, but it is unfortunately necessary in some cases. In recent years, researchers and healthcare professionals have made the claim that sugar specifically adds girth to the waist. By simply cutting out sugary products or extra sugar, you may find your waist becoming more and more trim. While this step is certainly “simple,†it’s definitely not easy. Start slow, stick with it, and cut yourself a little slack to really see the most benefit.
Russian Twists
A Russian Twist is an exercise in which you sit in a crunch position, hold a weight in your hands, and twist at the waist from side to side. Your weight will touch the ground on each side of your hip, and your midsection stays engaged. Start with a light weight. You probably won’t even feel the effects at first, but afterwards you might be a little sore. As you master the move, you can add weight and intensity, thus making the move harder.
Getting a slim and toned waist is possible, but it definitely takes some dedication and special attention to the midsection. Use these tips to get an abdomen that makes you proud. With some perseverance and a little knowledge, your waist will be smaller, your jeans baggier, and your confidence through the roof in no time.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Orange Park, Fla.