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Psoriasis Symptoms You Can Improve

By Brandi Goodman

Psoriasis is a skin condition that can leave your skin flaky, red, scaly, and itchy. There are numerous doctor prescribed treatments you can try to help improve symptoms. Before heading that route, however, it's important to try some home remedies and natural options that won't be as harsh on the skin or cause other reactions. Many psoriasis symptoms can be improved with these options.

Bathe With Oatmeal and Epsom Salts

A lukewarm bath can help to ease some of your inflammation. Add oatmeal and Epsom salt to the mix and you're even more likely to experience this benefit. It can also work to remove some of the scaly skin you may have. Brands such as Aveeno offer bath treatments using colloidal oatmeal. Avoid using products that are highly fragrant or have been noted to be harsh on the skin. You should also avoid bathing in hot water. The heat can make symptoms worse.

Moisturize Your Skin Regularly

Your skin can dry out and become red quickly when you have psoriasis. Moisturize your skin regularly to help combat the problem. Moisturizes using an ointment base are often best. They should hydrate your skin and keep it as smooth and supple as possible and prevent you from drying out.

Monitor the Effects of the Sun

Some people say being in sunlight helps their psoriasis. Others say it worsens their condition. Monitor the effects of the sun on your skin and see which is true for you. It may not be the sun exactly, but the amount of time you're spending in it. Just a short time outside can offer relief to your skin, while hours outdoors could cause you to burn and make matters worse.

Monitor All Triggers

Perhaps you've started to notice that your skin becomes more red and itchy after putting on freshly laundered clothing. Maybe alcohol use causes your symptoms to exacerbate. Stress is another significant factor for many.  Monitor all potential triggers and see when and why your psoriasis flares up. If you know what causes it, you can better avoid it.

Psoriasis symptoms are not completely curable. If you have the skin condition, you will always have it. However, with some home remedies in use, you may be able to keep many of the related skin struggles at bay and keep yourself looking and feeling as well as possible. If your condition worsens, then a doctor-recommended option may be required for further treatment.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Evans, Ga.

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