An Easy, Healthy Way to Start Your Day
By Stepy Kamei
We all know how important it is to get the day started off on the right foot. However, despite all the planning we make, it can be so easy to immediately get swept up in the stress of getting ready to head out to work in the morning that your well-intentioned plans go right out the window. Maybe you wake up later than you planned. Or, maybe you find that you don't have the time or ingredients to make yourself a healthy breakfast, so you end up munching on a sugary muffin, which does little to truly nourish you.
These kinds of morning mistakes are very common, and they can derail the whole rest of your day if you're not careful. However, if there's one healthy morning habit you really should try to work into your daily routine, it's going for a walk at the beginning of your day. Read on to learn the many surprising benefits of a morning walk -- and pick up tips on how you can make sure you stick to this habit for good.
Walking is Easy and Helpful to Your Health
There's the stereotype of the early morning jogger we all know about, but who actually wants to go for a run before the sun is even up? Fortunately, a nice leisurely walk can provide just as many benefits. For starters, when you begin your day by moving around and getting the blood flowing, you'll naturally wake up, no caffeine required. You'll be loosening your joints and muscles, and encouraging oxygen flow throughout your body, which is a great way to boost your energy from within. Also, being out in the morning daylight will help wake up your body's natural circadian rhythm.
What's more is that studies have shown that people who stay active, even just by walking regularly, tend to experience weight loss, lower blood pressure, and even a reduced risk of developing health issues such as heart disease and diabetes later on in life. Look at taking a walk as a preventive measure for your health, and it may be even easier to find the motivation to devote the time to this healthy habit.
Boost Your Self-Esteem as Well!
Consider how you tend to feel after going for a walk. If you find that you tend to be in a better mood, that's not a coincidence. Health experts have found a direct correlation between walking and improved mood, boosted confidence, and even reduced stress and anxiety. Not bad for a mere morning walk!
When it comes down to it, you more than likely know how important it is to your health for you to be staying active every day. If you're still not ready to hit the gym and do more intense workouts, walking every morning is a great way to get started on your journey towards being more active and fit.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Edmond, Okla.