Exercising Your Body and Your Brain
By Stepy Kamei
You already know just how important it is to make sure that you're keeping up with some sort of exercise and physical fitness routine in order to keep your body and your brain in top working order. However, the type of exercise you do can play a big role in how many benefits of exercise you're truly getting. More and more fitness and healthcare experts are recommending that people focus on fitness routines which work to improve neuroplasticity for better brain and body health. What exactly is neuroplasticity, and how can it benefit your overall well-being? Keep on reading to learn more about this important phenomenon, as well as which exercises can help strengthen it!
Neuroplasticity and Your Health
So, what is neuroplasticity? It sounds complicated, but it really comes down to a simple yet important function of the brain. Basically, it's what encourages the brain's ability to change and adapt to new life circumstances by changing old functional properties and creating new ones.
Essentially, as you go through life, you're bound to face new experiences, challenges, relationships, and beliefs. Neuroplasticity helps your brain cope with these inevitable changes and adapt to them in a manner which is safe and productive.
How HIIT Exercise Can Help
Now that you understand neuroplasticity a little bit better, it should make sense that an exercise routine which frequently mixes things up would be ideal for improving this important aspect of brain health. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, involves practicing bursts of intense, cardio-centric exercise followed by more mellow "cool-downs" such as brisk walking.
HIIT keeps your body and brain on its toes. Therefore, not only are you getting the benefits of a good cardio workout, but your brain is working out and being challenged in a healthy manner as well!
Exercise is Key to a Healthier Lifestyle
When it comes down to it, it's crucial to maintain some sort of fitness routine as part of your overall health plan. Many gyms offer HIIT classes for beginners in order to help you get started. Or, you can do a simple internet search to find some helpful ways to integrate an HIIT workout into your routine.
Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider for any further advice on how you can avoid a sedentary lifestyle and keep your body and brain functioning well!
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Edmond, Okla.