Your Chiropractor Can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
I have worked with people who have run into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. At first they had burning and tingling in the palm of the hand and thumb and they said their fingers felt useless.
As symptoms advanced there was more tingling and some loss of grip. For each of them the thought of not being able to perform everyday tasks was a very sobering one.
When we think about moving about our home, using our kitchen, laundry or garage, where would we be if our hands suddenly weakened and became unreliable?
According to the American Chiropractic Association, CTS shows up in adults, appearing three times more often in women. The dominant hand is affected first and pain is usually severe. Assembly line workers, sewers, cleaners, meat packers, and data entry keyboard jobs are all at risk.
CTS occurs in the median nerve that runs from the forearm into the hand. It happens when the median nerve gets compressed in the carpal tunnel, a narrow tunnel at the wrist made up of bones and nerves, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. The compression causes pain, weakness or numbness in the hand or wrist that radiates into the forearm. CTS can be triggered by wrist injuries, over activity of the pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, repetitive use of vibrating hand tools, and fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause.
Visit to the Chiropractor
CTS should be diagnosed and treated early. A standard examination of hands, arms, shoulders, and neck determines if the symptoms are connected to daily activities or an underlying disorder.
The chiropractor will also do a spinal manipulation to evaluate overall spinal health, review daily routines and look at medical history. The goal will be to relieve pain without medication or surgery. Initial therapy might include resting the affected hand and wrist, immobilizing the wrist to avoid further injury, and applying cold packs to reduce swelling. Chiropractic joint manipulation and mobilization of the wrist and hand, stretching and strengthening exercises, soft-tissue mobilization techniques, and even yoga can be helpful.
Most patients completely recover after treatment and most do not have CTS again. To prevent CTS, ACA recommends doing on the job exercises and stretching. Take frequent rest breaks. Wear splints to keep wrists straight. Use fingerless gloves to keep hands warm and flexible. Rotate jobs where possible. Learn correct posture and use it.
If you are encountering the symptoms of CTS see your chiropractor as soon as possible to look for solutions.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Georgie Pauwels