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Tips for a Strong Memory

By Donna Stark

You did it again, didn't you? Are you standing in your kitchen totally clueless about why you walked in there in the first place? Or, are you panicking at the thought of what rush hour is going to be like because you can't find your keys and have missed that window of opportunity to leave at just the right time? Worst yet, maybe the CEO of your company is heading your way to shake your hand and for the life of you, you can't remember his or her name. Ugh! Why on earth is your memory so bad? And what on earth are you going to do if it continues to diminish?

Tips For a Strong Memory

The best thing you can do is to not panic! There are many ways to keep your mind sharp and your memory strong, and whether you believe it or not, everyone experiences what you are going through ... some people just hide it better. But if you exercise your brain on a daily basis and utilize the following tips, you won't have to hide anything! Take a look.

  • Picture it - Take the information that you need to remember and turn it into a picture for easy retrieval. For example, if you need to head to Gate C6 for your trip, picture six clowns or if you need to remember a name, picture someone famous who shares that same name as well.
  • Do something out of the ordinary - Always forgetting where the keys are or where you put your wallet? Do something crazy when you put it down then! Jump up and down, stomp your feet, or spin in a circle. The out of the ordinary action will help you remember where you placed the item.
  • Don't cram - Review the information you need at a later date slowly and progressively. Don't wait until the last minute to cram it all in.
  • Get your rest - For your memory to work at an optimal level, it needs to be well rested. Prioritize your sleep and aim for about eight hours every night.
  • Consume memory-boosting foods - Foods full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are exactly what your brain needs. Fill your diet with whole, natural foods like blueberries, avocados, fatty fish, seeds, and nuts.
  • Exercise - The best way to boost your memory naturally is through exercise. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.

Build Confidence With a Strong Memory

Remembering things is going to be a lot easier now that you have some tips to back you up, so go ahead. March right on up to your CEO and confidently introduce yourself. You know you got this because you have been training your brain for this exact moment! 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Vancouver, Wash.

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