Including Chiropractic in Your Wellness Plan
The amount of research being conducted in the medical community would probably exceed your highest guess. Scientists and doctors are constantly seeking to understand the body better, and how it responds to certain treatments versus alternative methods. In yet another study, researchers found that back pain was dramatically reduced with the introduction of chiropractic care to the patient’s regimen. Read on to find out more!
The Study
The study participants were split up into two groups. All participants experienced some level of back pain. Using a standard pain rating scale, they rated their pain at the outset of the study and again at the end of the study. Group one was treated with standard medical care, including pain medication and physical therapy. Group two utilized chiropractic treatment. According to the end result pain scale ratings, 73 percent of the group two participants had their pain reduced or eliminated altogether, as opposed to only 17 percent of the group one participants.
The Conclusion
This study only furthers the case for chiropractic as an effective alternative to expensive traditional treatments and side-effect-producing pain medications. Because chiropractic goes straight to the source of the pain first, treatment brings results and change, instead of masking over the problem. Not only is chiropractic an alternative, it is a more effective one.
It is also important to note that consistent chiropractic care is perhaps the biggest difference maker of all. Most of us regularly exercise our muscles through workouts or trips to the gym. But taking care of our spine is equally important, because it impacts everything we do. Establishing a routine with your chiropractor can help address any existing pain or disfunction issues, while simultaneously preventing new ones from arising. Chiropractic can help improve pain levels, but it can also impact overall health and treat things like: migraines, sleeping problems, mobility issues, digestion disorders, and more.
*Disclaimer: Always consult your physician or other health care professional before seeking treatment or taking related advice herein.*
Story Credit: Chiropractic Care Provides More Relief Than Medication, Physical Therapy by