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Ways To Keep Your Exercise Routine Moving


Some people grin when they talk about their gym workout, or regular runs, others, not so much. Which camp are you in? Do you see your exercise routine as a must, so you do it? Or do you really enjoy the routine and look forward to your next session?

How You See It Can Make A Big Difference

It’s much easier to skip a session or cut one short if you are really not into it. It’s kind of like postponing a dentist appointment.

So How Do You Get Into It?

Start with a close look at what you are doing. Decide what you like and what you don’t. Just because it’s good for your abs does not mean it is going to work for your mood. As you list the good, the bad, and the ones that are just OK, start revamping your exercises to really fit you. Then when you show up see if that’s working. If not, keep adding and deleting. The better it fits the better it will work for you. Look around and see what looks like it is working for others.

Reward yourself as you get rolling

When you start a new group of exercises, chart your progress and build in some little rewards for your progress. New shoes, new bag, a stroll through your favorite shops can all be used as incentives.

Look for Reinforcements

You may or may not have gym buddies, but if you are having trouble keeping your routine going a buddy can be a big help, and a great reminder.

Make Sure Your Timing Works

Some of us just go ahead and stick exercise sessions into our schedule wherever we can. But we might have a lot better chance of making them work if we take a good look at where they are going. If sessions wind up on the days that you also have long meetings, cancellations can almost be guaranteed. Schedule your sessions where they really will work with the rest of your day.

Have Some Back Up Plans

Sometimes it really is impossible to make that regular session, but if you have a series of at home exercises or yoga poses to do, or you can fit in a run, you will not feel as if you cancelled out on your exercise.

Feel Free To Keep Changing

Nobody said your gym routine was set in stone. As you move ahead with it you might want to branch off into yoga classes, look for special fitness classes, or try group classes that meet at the beach, in the park, or at lunch at work. The whole idea is to keep exercise on your calendar and that can work wherever it works for you.

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Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of faungg's photo

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