What You Should Bring to the Chiropractor's Attention
By Rachel Shouse
There are usually a few things we're nervous to bring to our doctor's attention. This is totally normal, but you may need to start trying to divulge more privy information to your doctor. There really is no need to be nervous. Chiropractors have truly heard it all. It's important to be honest about your daily habits, your diet and exercise routine, and what you're worried about.
What Are Your Daily Habits?
While you may not see your daily habits as interesting, or worth discussing, it's important for you to talk to your chiropractor about it. I'm not saying you should go ahead and give him/her a call right now and talk about your daily walks with your dog. However, what you eat daily and your exercise regimen are definitely worth talking about.
Something you should know is that you don't need to be ashamed about telling the truth. A large amount of problems that patients experience go undiagnosed because they were nervous. Not to be too radical, but these types of problems don't go away until they're dealt with. That being said, no need to go beating yourself up. You'll learn to trust someone at some point. Just keep trying.
Talking About Your Diet and Exercise Routines
Once you find a doctor you trust you should at least try to open up about your eating habits and how much exercise you're getting. Chiropractors are well known for changing their patients' lifestyle habits in order to improve their health. Chiropractors know a lot of low-stress stretches and exercises that you can do at home along with diet changes you can make. Both of those are more helpful than most know right off the bat.
Breaking the Anxiety Barrier: Talking to Your Chiropractor
It's normal to have certain things you don't want to talk to your doctor about, but you may even feel nervous talking about any problem. Problems doctors deal with on a regular basis can have a rather vast range. From smokers to the abused to the depressed, and so on.
You may not think a chiropractor can offer help in these areas. They really can, though, because if they're not the answer, they'll know more about which direction you need to go in order to get answers.
Talking to anyone new has its own set of challenges. It takes courage to overcome those feelings. Fortunately, most things like this get a lot easier over time. Start by divulging small tidbits of information if needed. However you decide to get there is completely fine.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Phoenix, Ariz.