The Steady Rise in Health & Wellness Programs Nationwide
At this point in the twenty-first century, many stakeholders in the professional sector are catching on to the importance of health and wellness. The efforts to improve health and wellness have implications in both the employer’s operational efficiency, as well as the employees’ experience in their professional careers as well as the level efficiency that employees are able to achieve for the company they work for. This has lead to the increased development of employer-sponsored health and wellness programs nationwide, in an effort to improve outcomes for company operations as well as for employee satisfaction and performance.
Some companies, mainly within the technology space, have been providing wellness programs for their employees for quite some time now, understanding the value of having healthy and happy employees. Now, in 2015, these programs are not exclusively found in technology companies, and the presence of employer-sponsored wellness programs is much more widespread.
According to a new report from the Society for Human Resource Management, we are seeing wellness programs present in over two thirds of employers nationwide. This is partially due to the economic incentives for wellness programs, but it is no coincidence that these wellness programs are on the rise.
The report by the Society for Human Resource Management, titled “2015 Employee Benefits,” identifies that 70% of U.S. employers now have some sort of wellness program for their employees, which is a significant increase from the 58% of employers who had a wellness program back in 2008. Additionally, the report highlights 8% of employers who are in the planning stages of a wellness program.
So many different benefits can be attained from a wellness program. When employees are healthier, there is a lower possibility for employees to miss work, which contributes to increased efficiency across the board. Additionally, employers may find that the return on investment (ROI) is significantly in their favor, with tons of revenue being streamlined through the employer compared to the relatively minimal financial output of the employer.
As time passes on we will most likely see an even further increase in the presence of employer-sponsored wellness programs. More corporations are starting initiatives every year to keep their staff healthy and happy. Eventually the United States work force may be able to achieve better health outcomes leading to better performance outcomes overall.
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