We All Deal With a Little Fat
By Tom Herrin
Looking in the mirror is not always the best way to assess our personal condition. Sometimes we may be fooled. When we see others we think appear to be overweight, we may cringe and think to ourselves how lucky we are that we are not in that condition. In today's society, there are many different kinds of images of what may be considered as overweight. Understanding a little more about the subject may help us to be more objective. All fat is not bad and some is actually beneficial. It is one of those things in which there is something for everyone.
Consuming Fat
Some of us worry about eating foods containing fat. There is sometimes a mistaken idea that eating fat is what makes us fat. In reality, eating too many carbs will do a lot more to cause us to add fat than eating fat. Our bodies will store carbs for later use. Some of the newer diets are based on restricting carb intake and forcing our bodies to use more fat to burn. There is also concern about the kinds of fat we take in. Some of them may be used by the body to actually make cholesterol. That can be bad. There is the opinion that some other fats we take in may help to raise our levels of good cholesterol.
Belly Fat
A lot has been said about belly fat in recent years. It is now seen as more than simple obesity but as an indicator of a unique problem. It is mostly a kind of white fat that seems to have some serious effects on people. It is known to contribute to strokes, heart and arterial diseases, and some cancers. If we begin to see excess belly fat, we should take it seriously and develop a plan of action. Waiting too late for this may result in some big problems.
Some Parts Need Fat
We all have places in our bodies that need fat in order to function well. One of these places is the brain. It must have some fat. Other places are bone marrow and nerves. They require some fat. Fat also helps to regulate our body temperature and balance hormones and blood sugar. We don't need to do without all fat, but we need to be sure we have it in the right places.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Surprise, Ariz.