How to Keep the Bones Strong
By Paul Rothbart
Bones are the framework that the body is built upon. They protect vital organs, provide the leverage for muscles to move body parts, and are a big part of the physique. It takes quite a while to achieve peak bone mass. It happens around the age of 30. Bones are built using minerals, and as we age, their mass can decrease.
This can make them brittle and more prone to break. There are ways to use diet and exercise to maintain solid bone mass throughout one's life. Here are some of the most effective.
Eat Your Veggies
Your mother was right. Vegetables are healthy, and building strong bones is a big part of that. Vegetables increase bone density by providing minerals that are incorporated into the bones. Green and yellow vegetables are a great source of minerals. They are especially effective at building bone density in children and young adults. Vegetables are also good for older women who are prone to osteoporosis. Vitamin C is also found in many vegetables. This essential nutrient may protect bone cells from damage.
Weight Training
Lifting weights is well known for building bigger, stronger muscles, but it can also increase bone density and strength in older adults. Other types of resistance training, such as push-ups and other calisthenics that use the body weight, can also be effective in improving bone health.
The primarily mineral used to build bone is calcium. Older bone cells break down over time and are constantly replenished by new ones. A daily intake of calcium is important to support this process. Absorption of calcium is most effective when it is consumed in moderate amounts each day. Foods containing calcium are better sources than supplements. A nice bonus is that getting calcium from foods reduces the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D works hand in hand with calcium by helping the bones absorb the nutrient. It is very helpful in avoiding osteoporosis and other bone diseases. The body produces Vitamin D through exposure to the sun, but this does not always provide sufficient amounts of the vitamin, especially in the colder months when people tend to stay indoors. It is added to milk, which makes it a good source. Vitamin D is also found in fatty fish, cheese, and liver. A good supplement is an excellent way to ensure getting enough Vitamin D.
The bones play such an important role in a healthy, functioning body. Don't neglect them when taking care of yourself. With the right diet and exercise, strong bones of good density can be maintained for life.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Encinitas, Calif.