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Do These Diets Really Work?

By Genevieve Cunningham

The more that we come to understand health, weight, and general wellness, the more we understand that diet is a key component. Some people imagine exercise to be the magic ticket of weight loss, and though it's important, it's not quite as important as what goes into your mouth. The problem is that there is so much information out there about diets. Which are we supposed to use? Which is best for long-term health? If you're interested in keeping your health in top-notch condition, take a look at these three possible diets and a quick explanation of which is best.


Most people are at least somewhat familiar with a vegetarian diet. This group of people refuses to eat meat. They may still consume cheese, milk, and eggs (unlike their vegan cousins), but they don't consume the flesh or organs of other animals. So what are the benefits of a vegetarian diet? When done well, these diets are full of fruits and veggies, and are generally low in calories. But when done wrong, these diets contain too many processed foods and too much bread. 


The keto diet has become quite popular in the last few years. What is it? It's a diet that is high in fat and low in carbs. In fact, they eat so few carbs that their bodies go into a mode of burning fat called ketosis. The good part about this diet is that it can help you drop pounds fairly quickly. The bad part about this diet is that spending large amounts of time in ketosis can be dangerous for some people, but they may not know until serious complications arise.


Yes, this is a real thing! A growing number of people are attempting to live on a strictly fruit diet. They eat their fill of all kinds of fruit, but they don't eat grains, meat, or dairy. So what's the good part of this diet? There aren't many. Most people agree that a strictly fruit diet doesn't contain enough nutrients to keep your body healthy and balanced. Though you might lose weight, you'll be doing so at the expense of your overall health and wellness.

What's Best?

Most experts agree that the best diet is one that is balanced. Essentially this means that your body really needs a little bit of everything -- including carbs and some kind of substantial protein source. Whether you get that protein through meat or something else is up to you, but protein is definitely important. Speak with a nutritionist or dietitian to make a plan of action that suits your body best, and get in the best health of your life in no time at all. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Glendale, Calif.

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