You May Need 7 Different Kinds of Rest
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us know when we are tired, but we may not know there are different kinds of rest.
Recently the site for WellAndGood,com took a close look at what rest really means, which becomes seven different kinds of rest. As a perpetually tired person, I related immediately.
Actually, it turned out I was long on some, and short on others. Check the list to see where you fit.
Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD, outlines seven kinds of rest that might make a difference in your life. Dalton-Smith says they impact energy, sanity and awareness.
Which do you need?
Deep physical sleep - When the body is truly weary, muscles become tense, headaches follow and sleep can be a challenge. If you have been totally exhausted, but unable to sleep, you know what this feels like. Look for ways to let go of stress and really rest.
Sleep to quiet the mind - If you head off to bed with your brain spinning, sleep will be elusive. Just as you begin to drift off, one more worry will surface. I wake up at 3 a.m. with my brain buzzing with questions. I jot everything down to make my way back go back to sleep.
Rest for the soul - All of us have had times where our deepest beliefs are challenged and peace of mind is sorely needed. If you meditate or pray, or do both, you may have found ways to find much needed sleep.
Worries about everyone - Friends and family sometimes challenge us with their needs. If those worries tag along at night, sleep is sure to be elusive. Meditation can let those worries flow by as you accept them and try not to judge them. Gradually sleep may come.
Rest from over-stimulation - In a busy world, it is very easy to be pulled back and forth. Try to step back emotionally and accept all of the commotion. It will soon change to something else.
Need for creative joy - If you treasure moments of true creativity, you know how valuable they can be. Sometimes they flow unchecked. Other times they fly away. Watch for the truly beautiful things in your world, your garden, pets, friends and family. They will refuel your creative powers.
Rest from commotion - We live in a noisy, demanding society. Find your very own quiet spots in your garden, park or by the water to refuel.
You know best what types of rest you need. Make sure you get them.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Irvine, Calif.