Easy Ways to Skip Sitting Too Much
By Sandy Schroeder
When the pressure is on, we all need a few tricks up our sleeve. If you are like me, you know you sit too much, but it is really a struggle to solve the problem. When there is work to do, those hours sitting add up quickly.
MindBodyGreen.com recognizes the problem and has a few tricks to help you win the battle. They also pointed out sitting too much can put you at risk for heart disease, cancer, obesity and loss of mobility. Scientists have also found too much sitting can undermine your mental well-being with memory and clarity issues.
Use These Interventions
Cut right through your sitting time with simple tricks.
Do a walking meditation - Just put one foot in front of the other and focus on your breath as you let the tension go. Whenever you feel a headache coming on, step outside and take a short walk. Often when I do this I return with a whole batch of new ideas.
Stretch wherever you are - Use morning and afternoon breaks to repeat your favorite stretches. Relax your muscles, increase your flexibility and extend your range of motion as you stretch for 10 or 15 minutes. Your mind and body will both benefit from the tension release.
Walk for 10 minutes after a meal - Don't settle into your chair after lunch or lean back on the couch after dinner. Take a short stroll around the block or walk the dog to the park. Your digestion will benefit and your back will thank you.
Stand whenever you can - Use walking meetings, counter discussions and adjustable computer platforms to stand while you work. Also stand while you are on the phone. Make standing a smart habit that builds muscle, keeps you focused, and protects your back and your posture.
Dance whenever wherever - Turn up the music and dance at home, in classes or out for the evening. Your body will welcome the movement and your spirit will lift. Use dancing at home with your whole family to keep them involved.
Sit less and smile more - Doctors say anything that you do to move more and sit less can help ease anxiety and depression. Physical exercise has been shown to boost emotional well-being as it lifts the spirit.
If these tricks work for you, set a computer reminder to intersperse them throughout your day. Enjoy the difference.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractic at The Joint Chiropractic in Irvine, Calif.