3 Sneaky Ways to Curb Hunger
By Genevieve Cunningham
Losing and managing weight is really hard. It's so easy to get out of control and so hard to find that much needed self-discipline. But it's not an impossible task -- just a difficult one. Luckily, there are ways to make it easier. And perhaps one of your very first tasks should be to get your hunger under control. Hunger sometimes happens because of true hunger, and other times it's because of cravings or boredom. If you're ready to take the first step toward a good weight and better health by curbing your hunger, take a look at these tips to help you out.
Get Some Herbal Tea
Herbal tea might not be your favorite, but if you can learn to like it, you can probably lower the amount of calories you eat every day. Herbal tea is mostly water, of course with a little flavor. When you feel a hunger (or boredom!) pain, reach for a hot glass of herbal tea instead and sip. This helps fill your belly, gives your mouth something tasty, and may help you avoid mindless snacking.
Keep Peppermints or Gum on Hand
Peppermints are good for sick tummies and sore throats, but they're also good for easing hunger. Keep peppermints at home, at the office, in your car, and in your bag. When you're feeling a little hunger between snacks or meals, reach for a peppermint instead. It might be just what you need to satisfy your craving. If you're not a fan of peppermints, gum (go sugar-free!) might do the same trick.
Train Your Stomach
Your stomach gets used to whatever you fill it with. If you're constantly overeating, your stomach will stretch. It will expect to be overfed. And when you stop giving it too much, you'll feel hunger pains. But the same thing happens in reverse. When you stop giving your stomach too much, it shrinks back down to normal. When you eat the right amount, it feels full. Essentially, you can train your stomach to eat the right amount! Use this technique to keep yourself comfortable while you get your eating habits under control.
If you're really hungry, by all means find a nutritious snack or meal. But if you're just filling the time or looking for something to do, use these tips to help you find success. Once you've got the hunger under control, you can take more steps to weight loss and find the body of your dreams.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Livermore, Calif.