How to Prevent Work Injuries
By Sara Butler
A lot of people have physical, active jobs. That’s great! Moving away from a sedentary lifestyle is healthy for you, but there are some special considerations to be aware of if you have an active job. Here are a few ways you can avoid injury in your active profession!
The Risks
People who perform physical labor are at a higher risk for strains, sprains, and tears from lifting or overexertion. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration says that almost 31 percent of injured workers are injured because of musculoskeletal disorders. People in labor-intensive jobs are more likely to be injured due to:
- Repetitive tasks
- Forceful exertions
- Awkward positions
- Vibrations
- Contact stress
Many of the injuries sustained by those with physical jobs are simply the result of movements they have to complete in certain environments in order to get the job done. They often can’t be avoided, which is why it’s so important to know how to prevent the injuries from occurring in the first place.
How to Prevent Workplace Injuries
You can avoid or reduce the risks of workplace injury with a few easy tips. When you’re moving around the workplace, you should:
- Maintain good posture when doing repetitive motions
- Learn to lift properly with your legs and hips instead of your back
- Ask for help when an object you need to lift is too heavy
- Keep an object close to your body when carrying it
- Take frequent breaks, at least once an hour
- Stretch frequently to keep muscles and ligaments loose and to prevent wear and tear
- Don’t hunch your shoulders or hang your head too far forward
These are just a few of the things you can do to help you stay healthy in your physical job.
See the Chiropractor!
When you’re trying to take good care of your musculoskeletal system in a physically demanding job, your chiropractor is a great resource. In careers with a high risk of musculoskeletal problems, chiropractic care can help prevent wear and tear on the body and promote healing. You shouldn’t wait until you notice pain and discomfort to seek chiropractic help! Instead, make seeing the chiropractor at The Joint your first line of defense to stay healthy!
When you do physical work, you must take care of yourself in order to avoid injury, so keep these tips in mind while you're on the job.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Los Angeles, Calif.