Declutter at the Start of the Year: Here's Why
By Brandi Goodman
Too many people wait for spring cleaning to declutter their homes and take out the trash. You should start at the beginning of the year instead so you can purge your surroundings of all the unnecessary buildup after the holidays. People tend to get lots of new things during the holiday season, making it time to get rid of the old stuff collecting dust. There's lots of reasons you should declutter now instead of waiting.
Boost Productivity
Many people experience poor productivity levels when they're surrounded by junk. You have so much to go through and do that it's sometimes easier to just avoid it and binge your favorite shows instead. You may even experience poor productivity at work because your mind keeps darting back to that full closet you've been meaning to sort. Boost your productivity levels by clearing out the trash. Take the time to get it done and you'll experience better productivity in other areas of your life with the task off your mind.
Eliminate Stress
It's easy to feel stressed at home when you're surrounded by clutter. It can feel as though your life is chaotic and you have nothing going for you. Clear the clutter and see your mental health improve. People tend to feel less stressed at home when things are neat and tidy and they feel like at least one area of their lives is in order. Clutter can cause lots of anxiety that can spill into other aspects of your life.
Breathe Better
If you have items piled high and collecting dust you may notice you don't breathe as well. Dust affects the respiratory system and can make it difficult for you to breathe. You may experience pain in your chest, a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and even illness because of the dust and toxins you're inhaling on a regular basis. Get the unnecessary items cleared out and experience better breathing. You need to make it a habit to clean so you can always maintain a healthy respiratory system. Dust. Clear the clutter. Use disinfectants. Get things truly clean.
Don't wait for spring cleaning season to arrive. Take care of the old stuff you no longer need now and watch as your physical and mental health improves. Being surrounded by clutter does more than tank your productivity levels, cause stress, and limit your ability to breathe. It can really wreak havoc on your mind and well-being.
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