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Staying Intentional With Hydration

By Donna Stark

You make sure to get your eight hours of sleep, three healthy meals, and six different vitamins every single day, but are you as intentional with the amount of water that you drink? Staying hydrated is just as important for your well-being as everything else, but so many people don't take it seriously enough. Are you one of them? What if I told you that your body can't function at its best without it? That every last system in your body is counting on that water intake to keep the aches and pains away, to stay balanced and energized, and to maintain optimal health and wellness? Would that convince you to be more intentional?

Hydration is Key

Drinking the recommended amount of water every day is one of the most important steps a person can take to maintain optimal health. Take a look at the impact that it has on the body. You may be surprised.

  • Delivers oxygen throughout the body
  • Maintains optimal function of the body's major systems
  • Improves appearance of the skin
  • Protects the brain and spinal cord
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Promotes absorption of minerals and nutrients
  • Prevents kidney damage
  • Improves joint, muscle, and cognitive function
  • Maintains weight

Increasing Your Water Intake

So what do you think? Are you ready to be as intentional with your water intake as you are with every other factor of your healthy lifestyle? If so, here are some excellent tips to get you started!

  • Set an alarm - It's hard to remember to drink your water when you barely have enough time in your day to even think! So if you need some help in that area, set an alarm on your phone or install an app that will do the reminding for you automatically.
  • Drink before you eat - Drink a glass of water before every meal. In addition to keeping you hydrated, it will also help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Infuse it for flavor - If you prefer drinks with flavor, infuse your water with fresh produce, such as lemons, cucumbers, limes, berries, watermelon, and mint leaves.
  • Grab that gallon - Out of sight, out of mind can lead to serious dehydration, so if you need a visual reminder to drink more water, fill up a gallon jug and set it out so you can keep an eye on the amount of water you are drinking every day.

Hit Those Numbers

Setting goals and hitting those magical numbers of healthy habits every day is great, but just be sure to include the amount of water you drink as well! It's one of the most important things you can do and is really one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health and wellness!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Temecula, Calif.

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