Staying Well With Routine: How It Really Works
By Genevieve Cunningham
Everyone wants to be well. We don't like sickness or injury. We don't like to be down and out. We have too much to do! Unfortunately, we don't always get a say. Sometimes it's hard to stay well -- especially if we've been working too hard or we've been exposed to germs or illness. But even with the unexpected moments in life, there are things we can do to improve our chances of staying well. And one of the biggest and most important things to start is a routine. Our bodies and minds like routine, and maintaining one might actually keep you feeling your best. If you're guilty of going with the flow a bit too often, take a look at how a routine can help you totally transform your health.
Why Routines Are Good
Physically, our bodies like routines because the body knows what to expect. It knows when to expect food. It knows when it's going to expend energy. It knows when it's going to sleep. It becomes really good at predicting these moments and using its resources accordingly. Mentally, routines lower stress. Because we don't have to guess at what's coming next, our minds are able to relax and unwind. Overall, routines are a real health booster when used long-term.
Routines to Help You Get Started
Not everything in life requires a routine. We still like to change it up sometimes! But there are a few areas where routines really help. If you want to get started, here are good places to begin:
Bedtime routine - A bedtime routine allows you to unwind and relax. It lowers stress from the day and improves your sleep. It might include reading a book, a hot shower, a cup of tea, and some self-care. Do a little experimenting to see what works best for you.
Morning routine - A morning routine allows you to start your day in a peaceful manner. And a calm morning leads to a healthier day. What might it include? Some quiet time, some coffee, some conversation. Or maybe you'd rather spend some time watching the news or reading a book. Find what works, and start your morning off on the right foot.
Starting the routine is the hard part. Once you figure it out, you'll love it! And you'll probably find your health improve too. Make some routines that work for you, be willing to adjust as you go along, and enjoy the calmer, healthier life that comes with it.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Westminster, Calif.