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Are These Common Things in Your Home Dangerous?

By Sara Butler

Danger lurks everywhere, even in your home. There are a few things that you've likely been taught growing up that can be dangerous, such as plugging your toaster in with wet hands. Everyone knows that water and electricity certainly don't go together, but how hazardous are some of the things in your home that you've been taught are deadly? Read on to find out!

Electrical Outlets

Remember in old cartoons when an unsuspecting character would stick a fork in an electrical outlet and you'd see a flash of their skeleton as they were getting electrocuted. Almost everyone knows that if you stick a fork or a bobby pin in an electric socket, you should have all of your affairs in order, right? Well, maybe not.

Putting something metal in an electric outlet is not a good idea but it's very likely the worst thing that could happen is that you get a nasty shock. The left slot in an electrical outlet leads to a neutral wire while the right leads to the one that actually brings in the electricity. Putting something in either slot will disrupt things and send that electricity right into you.

Just be warned that a jolt from a standard 120-volt outlet is enough to disrupt electrical activity in your heart and cause cardiac arrest, so you shouldn't go around sticking things in an outlet just for fun.

Silica Gel Packs

You got a brand-new pair of shoes and notice little bags in the bottom of the box of silica gel that boldly proclaims, "Do not eat." They must be deadly, right?

According to the Poison Control Center, tens of thousands of people ingest these little packs each year, most of them under the age of six. But no one has died from the silica gel itself. It's an inert substance that is actually non-toxic. It's the small bag that poses a choking hazard. So, even though the silica gel itself is mostly harmless, you should keep them away from little hands.


It's believed by some people that microwaves are a hazard to your health because they emit cancer-causing radiation. While it is true that microwaves emit radiation, it's a type of radiation called non-ionizing radiation -- and it's not as dangerous as the kind of deadly radiation emitted from nuclear bombs. In fact, microwaves operate pretty low on the electromagnetic spectrum, so they're basically harmless. In other words, feel free to hover as you wait for your tasty Hot Pocket to warm up.

Staying safe is really all about common sense. Be cautious and the chances are that the things around your home won't put you in an early grave.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Woodland Hills, Calif.

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