Digging, Raking, and Back Pain Need Not Go Together
By Tom Herrin
When it comes time to get out those hand tools to use in the garden or flower bed, some people find themselves overdoing it just a bit. Trying to bring more beauty to their homes is a common pursuit. Doing that little extra can be a rewarding feeling. It is a very worthwhile effort but can be a little tough on the body. This is particularly true if is early in the season. Getting out there and doing something that they haven't done in a while can be a sure way to strain more than a few muscles. If sprucing up your place ends up giving you a pain in the back, a visit to a chiropractor may put a little more pleasure in your life.
That Work Can Payoff and Hurt
When people get out the hand tools after taking a pretty good break from them, their use can tend to do a little straining of the muscles that do a lot of the work. When the muscles that support the back become strained, they can fail to do the job they are intended to do. This can result in joint dysfunction in which pressure is applied to a nerve. This can end up causing pain. If this is left alone, the pain can continue to grow. It may seem as if there is little relief.
Chiropractors Can Help
When people go to a chiropractor, they will likely be given an adjustment in which the spine is gently manipulated so that the injured joint is restored to its normal position. This can take the pressure off of the nerve and relieve the pain. It is recognized as the first line of defense for back pain by many people in all kinds of healthcare fields. Since it is all natural, no pain medication is used. There is no risk of side effects or addiction. In many cases, it may mean a faster return to their normal daily routine.
Regular Visits May Be Part of Good Maintenance
When people go to a chiropractor, they usually enjoy feeling and want to continue. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can work with all kinds of needs. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 450 locations nationwide. If back pain seems to be a natural companion to work outside your home, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today and let relief be a new way of life.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colo.