Is Your Skin Good Enough for You?
By Tom Herrin
Are you pleased with your body? We all have things that we feel good about and things that we may feel we would like to improve. Our skin is something that serves multiple roles. It is a covering for our body that protects us from infection. It also gives us our appearance. For many people, skin is what makes beauty. We all enjoy looking at it. Some spend lots of time and money trying to improve it. The fact is, any of us can do a better job of maintaining our skin by simply making a few adjustments.
Make Sunscreen a Part of Daily Routine
When I was younger, sunscreen was unheard of. In the summer, we just went out in the sun and burned. It was pretty miserable. The sunscreen products of today are pretty good. Using them daily, if you spend any time in the sun, may save you from some difficult problems. Some of these can even become life-threatening. It is generally recommended that we use a sunscreen that is mineral-based with SPF of 30 or more. We just need to be aware to use them anytime we are out in the sun and not just on special occasions.
Use Skin Care Products at the Right Time
Even though we may use skin care products often, many of us may use them at the wrong time. It has been suggested that if we use them right after we get out of a bath or shower, we will be more likely to retain some of the moisture we may have absorbed. Using them later may be like trying to play catch-up. They may still do some good, but it is likely a less efficient method.
Don't Cut Sleep
In our effort to get ahead, many of us tend to deny ourselves an adequate amount of sleep. We feel as if we can get by on a bare minimum. I have done this myself and seen the problems it may cause. Poor concentration and general fatigue may top the list. Getting seven to eight hours sleep each night may help our skin more than we realize. Sleep is the time our body makes repairs, so if we get the right amount, we may expect healthier skin overall. As far as our faces are concerned, looking at ourselves in the mirror after being deprived of sleep may tell a big part of the story.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Longmont, Colo.