How to Fix 5 Common Vitamin Deficiencies
By Amber Page
If you find yourself feeling tired, achy, foggy, and downright grumpy, your first instinct is probably to blame the latest bug going around the office, your busy schedule, or your poor sleep habits.
But it could be something you'd never expect -- a vitamin deficiency.
Almost 31 percent of Americans have or are at risk for a nutrient deficiency, and most don't know it. That's because our standard "diet" tends to be lacking in key vitamins and minerals, especially for those of us who tend to eat on the go more than we cook at home.
Read on to learn about five key nutrients you might be running low on -- and how to get more of them.
Iron is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, especially among young children and pregnant women.
When you're low on iron, you can also become low on red blood cells -- which leads to anemia.
Fortunately, it's pretty easy to slip iron-rich foods into your menu. Satisfy your inner carnivore with a helping of red or organ meats. Or, if you prefer to get it from vegetarian sources, have some dark leafy greens or beans.
Iodine is a nutrient you probably never even think about -- but it's essential for proper thyroid function. Children can even experience developmental delays if they become severely deficient.
To make sure you get enough, eat eggs, fish, and dairy products such as yogurt. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, nosh on some seaweed -- 1 gram of kelp has almost 500 percent of the recommended daily value.
Vitamin D
Also known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D helps keep your bones strong by helping your body absorb calcium, among other things.
Your body will create it if you stay out in the sun long enough. If you drink milk, you'll also get a healthy dose -- most dairy companies fortify their milk products with the vitamin.
If you're looking for completely natural sources, add fatty fish and eggs to your menu, or take a cod liver oil supplement.
Vitamin B12
B12 is super important. It helps keep your brain, nerve and blood cells healthy. In fact, your body can't function properly without it.
But you can only get it from animal products, so vegetarians and vegans are at an especially high risk for B12 deficiencies.
To get more B12, include shellfish, meat, eggs and milk products in your diet.
Calcium is essential for strong bones. When you're deficient, you're more likely to end up with fragile bones and osteoporosis.
To make sure you get enough, eat boned fish, dark green vegetables and dairy products.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Tampa, Fla.