Being Comfortable When Working Out
By Stephen R. Farris
Whether we work out indoors or out in the elements, we all want to dress appropriately for the exercise and/or activity we're involved in. But choosing the right clothes can sometimes be a challenge.
There's so many shirts, shorts, sweats, undergarments, socks, knee braces, ankle braces, shoulder and elbow braces, and even back supports to choose from these days. However, we all need to be comfortable during our workouts and not like the motorcycle rider from those '70s safety commercials featuring Ralph Nader.
Choose Quality, Not Brand
Some folks stick to name brand clothing as their workout attire, but it's not the brand that you wear, it's what the clothes are made of that will provide comfort and durability. You want a fabric that will allow your pores to breathe, not one that sticks to you. There's no worse feeling than finishing your workout with your clothes sticking to your body.
Find the Right Fit
If you're working out in general, say lifting weights, walking, or playing certain recreational sports, then loose fitting workout clothes are probably the way to go. If you cycle or run as an activity, then more snug would be your best bet. Just make sure the fabric has some stretchability to it.
Dress for the Occasion
That may be a little misleading, but also right on target. Occasionally we work out outside, while other occasions may be inside. Outside it could be hot, cold, mild, you never know until you open the door -- unless you happen to be a weather geek like me. With outside activities, dress for the condition. If it's cold, dress in layers. You can always peel them off if you get too hot. With hot weather -- as mentioned earlier -- dress cool and comfortable and pick material to allow your skin to breath. We should all know what to wear in wet or windy weather, but just in case, make sure you are protecting your skin and staying dry as much as possible.
Keep in mind now, you're going to be working up a sweat no matter what the conditions are. So choose wisely when it comes to your comfort and safety while working out spring, summer, winter or fall.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Tampa, Fla.