How to Beat Your End-of-School-Year Stress
By Brandi Goodman
The end of the school year is fast approaching for students across the U.S. With deadlines to meet, tests upcoming, and grades to consider, it's no surprise that the end of the year can bring about a lot of stress for students. You can beat it if you put your mind to it and utilize the following tips.
Maintain Your Sleep Schedule
You won't be able to handle your stressors well if you aren't sleeping. Failing to get adequate rest at night can leave you irritable, make it difficult to concentrate, and leave you susceptible to unhealthy coping mechanisms. You need to do your best to maintain your sleep schedule and get plenty of shut-eye each night so you can handle the remainder of your school responsibilities.
Find Time to Unwind
Even if you have a busy schedule, you have to find time to relax and unwind. Spending all your waking hours studying, stressing, and feeling worried about the remainder of your school year will leave you burnt out quickly. You should find at least a little time before bed each night to relax your mind and body and help put yourself at ease. Read a book you enjoy. Watch a funny movie. Spend time with your pet. Take a bath.
Break Up Your Tasks
Lots of students have exams at the end of the year. You won't just be taking one, but several for each of the classes you're in. Don't wait until the final night to cram all of your studying in at once. Instead, break up your tasks over the final weeks and focus on one subject at a time. The final night should serve as a quick refresh over the notes and important mentions you've highlighted.
Try to Exercise in the Morning
Don't turn to caffeine to get you through your final school days. Exercise is a better alternative. It can give you an energy boost and improve your concentration for the exams ahead. The hormone boost you get from physical activity can work to enhance your attention skills and keep you focused in those final days.
End-of-the-year stress can be difficult for students to manage, but not impossible. Keep these pointers in mind so you can continue working well in the final school days and finish out your year strong. Pushing yourself to your breaking point won't give you the results you're hoping to achieve. You need to be healthy and feeling your best to do that.
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