5 Tips to Avoid the Munchies
By Victoria Meisinger
Snacking is fun, there's no denying it. And in moderation it can be healthy. However, sometimes we can get a little too carried away. So here are some tips to help you avoid the munchies.
Drink a Lot of Fluids
Drinking fluids will help keep you full and satisfied throughout day. A lot of times when I think I’m hungry, I can usually just down a glass of water and forget why I even stepped into the kitchen in the first place. It’s also necessary to stay hydrated and feel your best. However try to avoid sugary drinks such as soda and fruit juice. These may satisfy your cravings, but they have the same consequences as that snack you were trying to avoid in the first place.
Chew Gum
It’s easy to crave food even when you’re not hungry. It’s more the flavor and experience that draws you into the pantry. So in order to avoid this, pull out a stick of gum. That way you can satisfy yourself without overloading on too many chips or sweets.
Get a Good Amount of Sleep
Your body needs sleep in order to replenish its energy. However when it doesn’t get enough, it looks to alternate energy sources, such as food. So in other words, get a good amount of sleep or you’ll be hungrier and tempted to eat more throughout the day.
Distract Yourself
Most of the time when I find myself craving a snack, I’m just bored. It’s my go-to activity to fill up empty time. So the next time you're bored and find yourself reaching for the fridge, turn around and go for a hobby instead. Grab a book, watch a movie, or even go outside. It doesn’t matter what you do, just keep yourself busy and chances are you’ll forget you even wanted that snack in the first place.
Eat Regular Meals
Eating at the right time of day can affect whether or not you will get hungry again later on. That is why you should avoid making your meals too close together, but don’t push them too far apart either; otherwise, you might find yourself cravinga few snacks in-between. Just form a normal eating schedule and stick to it. This way you can avoid giving your body any confusion.
Snacks aren’t always the enemy. In moderation they can actually be quite beneficial and prevent binge eating. So eat your snacks, just remember to be wary and choose the right ones.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lawrenceville, Ga.