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Bad Habits that Age You Faster

By Sara Butler

No one wants to look old before their time. In fact, there’s a whole industry dedicated to helping people look younger. But you don’t have to have a plastic surgeon or access to expensive creams to stay young looking. What you do need is to avoid a few bad habits that can age you. Many habits impact how your body ages. Aging may be a natural process, but there are some habits you may want to stop if you want to avoid looking older than you actually are. And imagine how these habits are aging your insides if they’re having such a large impact on your outside -- it’s really about being healthy!

You Eat Too Much Meat

If you live off meat and don’t get enough fruit and vegetables in your diet, then you may be aging yourself prematurely and impacting your lifespan. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found a link between eating a lot of meat and early death. Conversely, people who eat mostly fruits and vegetables have a 15 percent lower risk of early death when compared with those who didn’t eat enough. It may all have to do with the antioxidants found in plant-based foods that protect the cells in the body from disease, such as cancer.

You Do a Lot of Sitting

A sedentary lifestyle is not a healthy one. Working a desk job may just be killing you, even if you do get in your recommended amount of exercise daily. Studies have found an increased risk of premature death when you sit for eight or more hours per day. It increases your risk of developing cancer and heart disease, but it’s also been linked to poor blood sugar regulation, slow circulation, and high cholesterol.

There is a silver lining, though. The more you move, the lower your risk of premature death. So set that reminder on your computer or phone to get up at least once an hour and move around a bit.

You Don’t Sleep Well

Sleep is so important to your overall health and wellness. If you weren’t already aware, most Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. When you sleep, your body rejuvenates and restores; it also regulates hormones, develops memory, and maintains proper function of metabolism. Not getting enough sleep leads to obesity, depression, anxiety, and insulin resistance. So do what you can to get the right amount of sleep each night.

It's not just about how you look, but how you take care of your health so you can live a long and fruitful life. Stay away from these bad habits to live longer and happier!

To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Roswell, Ga.


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