Chiropractic Tips for Setting up This Summer
By Brandi Goodman
Summertime shopping often involves finding heavy items that can be used outdoors. From grills to patio tables and chairs, attempting to pick up and move these items so you can get them where they're needed can cause injury. Follow some chiropractic tips for setting up this summer to prevent pain and make the process easier.
Work With a Partner
Having someone to help you with the moving and set-up of all your outdoor items is beneficial. It will ensure there are two of you to share the heavy load so the weight is not all on your shoulders. If you don't have a significant other to share the load, offer to buy a friend some drinks or dinner if they'll help you out for a bit.
A well-hydrated body is less likely to experience injury. You want to be sure you drink plenty of water before you start the process of getting out and setting up your outdoor furniture. This will keep your joints lubricated and flexible so the process is easier for your body to handle.
Stretch First
Stretching is essential before any type of activity. Before you move your outdoor items around, stretch out your body so it's prepared to handle the workload. Stretch out your arms, legs, and back so these main areas that are impacted by lifting and moving are ready for the job.
Wear Proper Footwear
You don't want to move heavy furniture around in sandals. The proper footwear can greatly improve your chances of getting the job done without injury or concerns. A sturdy and comfortable pair of tennis shoes should suffice.
Visit a Chiropractor
A visit to the chiropractor may be in order if you're planning on doing lots of lifting. This will help to ensure no joint restrictions or subluxations are present that could interfere with your flexibility. With your body adjusted and working well, you can get the work done safely. It may also be wise to visit again after the work is completed so any tension the moving caused may be reduced.
Don't move all your summer furniture around without a few things in mind. You don't want to spend any part of your summer laid up in bed with a sore back because you didn't exercise caution when setting up. These few chiropractic tips can help you get organized without the pain.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Meridian, Idaho.