Preventing Health Problems With Pineapple
By Brandi Swieter
Pineapples tend to taste sour yet sweet, offering a delightful flavor to the summer menu in particular. Though many enjoy this fruit, not everyone realizes just how beneficial pineapples can be to their health. This fruit helps to prevent a number of health problems when consumed regularly.
Cancer Prevention
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Preventing it as much as possible should be a goal for everyone, especially those with a history of cancer in their family. Eating pineapple regularly can help with cancer prevention. It contains certain antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamins that work to heal damaged cells and stop toxins from taking over the body. At least a few servings a week is necessary for this benefit to take effect.
Osteoporosis Prevention
Bone strength is necessary if people don’t want osteoporosis or other bone conditions to set in. Weak and brittle bones can be prevented with pineapple thanks to the manganese found within it. Manganese works to repair bones and help make them stronger. One pineapple offers 70 percent of the recommended intake for the day.
Memory Loss Prevention
Memory tends to go quickly as people age, starting with some forgotten words and ending with an almost completely erased mind. To prevent aging diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, people need to consume more pineapple. With high levels of copper that work to improve brain function, the process of losing the memory can be slowed.
Tooth Loss Prevention
The teeth can decay easily, resulting in lost teeth and poor gum health. Tooth loss prevention is possible with the use of pineapple. Pineapples contain an astringent that helps to tighten tissues within the mouth. There are even antioxidants within the fruit that help to prevent mouth and throat cancers, giving it even more worthwhile qualities.
Macular Degeneration Prevention
Macular degeneration, which is an age-related eye disease, can be prevented with pineapple. Beta-carotene works to delay this aging process and keep the vision full as long as possible. Those suffering from vision problems should consume more pineapple to get a good level of beta-carotene in their systems.
Eat pineapple as a healthy snack or add it to meals for some extra benefit. With so many health problems possibly prevented by pineapples, it’s a wonder more and more people don’t consume it regularly. Though the taste can be a little sour, adding pineapple to other dishes helps to offset the tang and provide a high quality and beneficial food that keeps people healthy.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avon, Ind.
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