Fire Your Stress With Workplace Coping Techniques
By Brandi Goodman
Most people experience stress at work for one reason or another. The only way to get through each day is to find ways to cope. Don't let your stress levels rise too high and cause you to experience a poor work environment. Fire your stress instead with workplace coping techniques.
Have an Outlet at Work
You may not always be able to wait until you arrive home to deal with your work stresses. It's better to have an outlet at your place of your employment so you can utilize it when needed, or at least on your break time. If keeping a journal helps, then leave one at your desk or in your car so you can jot down things as they come to mind. Sit and reflect on the positives that occurred in your day and write those down so you can look back on the good your job brings to your life rather than the bad.
Perhaps reading calms your mind. Keep a book with you for break or lunchtime so you can read. Maybe it's talking to a friend. Chat in the break room with others and socialize so you can have a few laughs to improve your mood. An outlet available at work can help you cope with the rest of your day easier.
Incorporate Exercise into Your Day
Exercise releases endorphins that can boost your mood. Incorporate exercise into your workday so you can have a better experience. This could mean walking more often, taking the stairs instead of the elevator if your job has one, using your lunchtime for an hour in the gym or a walk around the block, or even simply stretching. You'll be more likely to cope with the stress of work if you can keep your mind off some of it while you exercise.
Work Without Interruption
If interruptions during your work time are part of your problem, then start working without interruption. Do not allow others to bother you with chit-chat; simply say, "Hey, can we chat later, I really need to get this task done by a certain time." It's OK to let others know you need to focus on your job duties so you don't feel stressed.
Try these methods or ones of your own so you can eliminate the stress certain work situations may cause. You want your job to be a place of peace and not tension. Use coping techniques to make it through your day in a better mood.
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