A Good Attitude May Go A Long Way For Life
By Tom Herrin
It is pretty easy for some people to get a little down. A few disappointments, a few ailments, and any other assorted things that seem to interfere with a clear vision of good health may be part of an aging process that most people would prefer not to experience. Particularly when they get down, people often tend to write off their chances for a longer life. This doesn’t have to be so. People can have a much greater role in helping to determine their own rate of aging than they may believe.
Quality Is Important
When people think about the kinds of things they can do to affect their own lives, it is not always quantity that matters. Many of the important things that add up to have an influence on aging, such as sleep and exercise, can sometimes be managed to create an environment that is less conducive to early aging. Lack of sleep has been linked to not only failure to be able to perform some tasks well, but also excessive signs of aging in the skin. Certainly some of those problems tied to aging such as loss of muscle and bone mass can be helped by exercise that can build strength.
Eating Right Is Always A Plus
Making good decisions about diet isn’t just for the young. There is no reason to wait until someone has problems to start looking for dietary improvements. The other side of that, however, is it is almost never too late to make wise choices in diet. The Japanese seem to have a high success rate with their health and longevity. One of primary contributors to that is believed to be the amount of fish they consume, giving them large doses of omega-3.
Our Outlook May Affect Our Length Of Life
It has been believed for a long time that how we view life may have to do with how long ours is. If we remain too secluded and removed from others, we may be limiting ourselves. When we have better social relationships and keep a positive attitude, it seems that we can expect to live longer. In one study, people who maintain this social activity and good attitude can expect to live seven years longer than those who don’t. That is pretty significant. The overall good perspective in all of this is that we can very possibly lengthen our lives through our own efforts.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carmel, Ind.