A Good Nap May Head Off Health Issues
By Tom Herrin
There are times when people have to make some tough choices about things regarding their health. All things, however, are not so tough. Changing diet or ratcheting up the workout program are the usual culprits. One of the easier choices is to simply take a nap. While a nap sometimes seems like the easy way out of just about everything, it can be a good thing. If a nap is planned, it can go a long way toward actually building better health. So many people do a poor job of getting the right amount of sleep that they unintentionally sacrifice their health. A nap may be able to turn much of that around.
It May Help Prevent Some Serious Diseases
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who sleep less than six hours per night are at greater risk for several problems. Diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are all listed as potential problems brought on by this lack of sleep. Those who sleep less are also more likely to have increased levels of stress, which often leads to additional health problems. Lack of sleep is a common contributor to illness, and many people suffer from the effects. Naps can be a great tool to help combat some of this and may be a really easy fix for such issues.
It May Help Deter Dementia
When people are sleep deprived, they are more likely to experience some kinds of dementia. According to researchers from Johns Hopkins University, when people get too little sleep, they have excessive deposits in the brain of a plaque called B-amyloid, which is associated with Alzheimer's. When people sleep, their brain is essentially cleaned. It does not require an elaborate method of dealing with it. Taking naps can be a simple way of refurbishing the brain.
It May Help Recover from Deprivation
When we stay up all night, or most of it, we are usually physically and mentally drained. Our ability to perform either way may be greatly impaired. I certainly have done my share of that. When I have, I can honestly say I have ended up being wiped out. A nap can do wonders, however. Just a few minutes of a good nap can provide an opportunity to restart. In one study, men who took two half-hour naps following a night when they slept only two hours were able to be considerably refreshed and healthy. Try taking one and see the results.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carmel, Ind.